Monday, February 2, 2009

oh, the snow

This is my grandson, Nolan Ryan. He's 2 and he can't believe his eyes. When he woke up there was 5" of snow outside his window. In North Carolina. Nolan has seen this much snow before. Once. At his great-grandparent's home in Pennsylvania. North Carolina? Um, no. Not so much. That is so like God, Nolan. The instant you think you've got it all figured out, thank you very much, you wake up to 5" of something-you-didn't-expect. You gotta love His sense of humor!

Oh, but don't worry, my friends. Nolan recovered from his shock and dismay in time to experience his first Snow Day. Live and in person. Oh, and it was serious fun.

And this cutie? This little lillebarn is my granddaughter, AKA Princess Skyleigh Claire. Couldn't you just eat her up, hairbow and all? She, however, decided not to partcipate in said Snow Day festivities. Oh, yes she most decidedly did. And what was her excellent reason you ask?

She's waiting for her daddy to introduce her to her first snow. When he gets back from his deployment.
Please pray for Nolan & Skyleigh's Daddy to return safely!

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